Smart Cultural Tourism as a Driver of Sustainable Development of European Regions
SmartCulTour sub-regional workshop
Following from the disruptions throughout society in general and the tourism sector in particular, cultural heritage – as well as the digitalization efforts that further prioritized within the sector as a response to the Covid-related closures – are seen as potential platforms for a sustainable relaunch of European Tourism. The European Cultural Tourism Network therefore devoted its 15th Conference for Cultural Tourism in Europe to this overall theme, running from 19 to 22 October In Krk (Croatia): https://www.culturaltourism-network.eu/conference-2022.html.
Within the framework of this conference, a team of the SmartCulTour project will organize a session on Smart Cultural Tourism as a Driver of Sustainable Development of European Regions. Different strategies, tools and methods that were developed during the project are presented. Particular attention is paid to the double-diamond design model for community-supported tourism development, the SmartCulTour Game for stakeholder interaction, the Dynamic House of Quality for supporting rational decision making in a complex context, and the framework of sustainability impact measurements.
The workshop will take place on Thursday 20th of October 2022 from 11:30-13:00 in Krk (Croatia). The session takes place in Krk City Hall and is flanked by sessions of two other Horizon 2020 consortia: IMPACTOUR and ReInHerit, thereby creating a interesting interlinkages between the three projects.